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Krissy Fitzgerald
May 2, 2021
What I will be tomorrow is determined by what I think today.
A perspective shift really can change the direction of your life... Thoughts and beliefs are fluid and malleable. They are not always...
Krissy Fitzgerald
Jun 19, 2020
When you own your personal power, nobody can make you nor can they break you.
Power is energy, and we are all made up of energy. Are you aware of the places and spaces where you lose your power? Bonds and...
Krissy Fitzgerald
Jun 19, 2020
Take back your power; BE the author of YOU!
BE responsible for who YOU choose to be. No one has the power (without your permission) to give to you nor can they take away from you...
Krissy Fitzgerald
Jun 7, 2020
CLASSY people fix each other's crowns not knock them down
CLASSY people fix each other's crowns not knock them down. Can you imagine existing in a world without hatred, jealousy or competition; a...
Blog: Blog2
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